American Institute of Artificial Intelligence

CGENAI™ Exam Overview

Demonstrate your knowledge. Challenge yourself. Prove your excellence. Become a GenAI professional.

97 Million New Jobs. Demonstrate your Skills. Pass CGENAI™ Exam.

CGENAI™ Program Exam Information

Welcome to the CGENAI™ Professional Certification Program. Our exams are conveniently offered online, enabling access to participants globally (with the exception of prohibited countries). Here you'll find key information to help you navigate the scheduling and testing process effectively.

Scheduling Your Exam

  • Exam Scheduling: Once you become a member of the American Institute of Artificial Intelligence, you will gain access to an exclusive online web portal and dashboard. Here you can purchase and access both the CGENAI™ Body of Knowledge and the CGENAI™ exam itself. Once you have purchased the CGENAI™ exam you can conveniently start the exam whenever you want.
  • Registration:To register for the CGENAI™ exam, you must first become a member of the American Institute of Artificial Intelligence. If you are already a member, you can log in to your membership web portal. Through the web portal you will be able to purchase both exam materials and access to the exam itself. The web portal also functions as the testing environment for your exam.
Exam Attempts

  • Attempt Limits and Purchasing More Attempts: When you purchase the CGENAI™ exam, you are given two attempts to pass the exam. If you fail both attempts, you will have to purchase future attempts. Your previous scores are kept; however, you will not be able to access any previous answers.
Exam Day Information

  • Start Time: We recommend logging in 15 minutes prior to the time you wish to start your exam attempt to ensure a smooth start.
  • Security Measures: Keep your camera on during the exam to maintain test integrity. This is mandatory and monitored.
  • Disruptions: Use a stable internet connection to avoid interruptions. In case of internet issues on your end or software disruptions from AIAI's side, you will have the option to restart your test once the system stabilizes.
During the Exam

  • Breaks: You are allowed up to two unscheduled breaks; however, the testing time will continue to run. Access to mobile phones or other electronic devices is strictly prohibited during the exam.
  • ID Verification: You must present a valid ID before starting the exam to verify your identity.
Allocated Time

  • Time: You are allocated 2 hours to finish the exam. The timer starts when you start your attempt. Upon completion of the two hour time limit, your exam will be automatically submitted. If you attempt to exit the exam, your timer will continue to run.
General Procedures

  • Compliance: Exam day procedures may vary slightly due to local requirements, but all candidates must adhere to the instructions provided. Failure to comply will result in forfeiture of a candidate's exam attempt.
Preparing thoroughly and understanding these guidelines are crucial for a smooth testing experience. We look forward to supporting you in achieving your CGENAI™ certification.

Exam Overview

The CGENAI™ certification exam is broken into two levels. The CGENAI™ Bodies of Knowledge, for Level 1 and Level 2 are available to purchase for members of the American Institute of Artificial Intelligence.

CGENAI™ Level 1 Curriculum


1	CGENAI™ Code of Ethics	

	1.1	Fundamentals of Ethics
	1.2	GenAI Ethics
	1.3	Ethical Commitments

2	CGENAI™ Code of Conduct	

	2.1	Professional Conduct
	2.2	Security, Confidentiality, & Privacy
	2.3	Work Standards
	2.4	Responsibility to Self
	2.5	Responsibility to Clients
	2.6	Responsibility to Stakeholders
	2.7	Responsibility to Society
	2.8	Responsibility to the Profession

3	CGENAI™ Legal & Regulatory Standards	

	3.1	European Union AI Act
	3.2	Initiatives in the United States
	3.3	Data Privacy & Protection
	3.4	Intellectual Property
	3.5	Consumer Protection

4	CGENAI™ Privacy Protection Standards	

	4.1	Unintentional Data Exposure 
	4.2	Data Leaks through Model Outputs
	4.3	Personal Privacy in the GenAI Landscape 
	4.4	Organizational Privacy in the GenAI landscape

5	GenAI and Society	

	5.1	Economic Impact
	5.2	Social Impact
	5.3	Environmental Impact
	5.4	Political and Security Impact 
	5.5	Education and Research Impact
	5.6	Communications and Media Impact


6	Introduction to Prompt Engineering 	

	6.1	Explain: What is a Prompt Engineer?
	6.2	Describe Prompt Engineer Skills and Profession
	6.3	Explain Prompt Engineer's Business Leader Status 
	6.4	Describe Prompt Engineer Process 
	6.5	Leveraging Prompt Engineering for New Business  Models and Entrepreneurship

7	Significance of the AI Revolution 	

	7.1	Identify what is the AI Transformation.
	7.2	Recognize the importance of the AI Era
	7.3	Describe the Strategic Imperative of AI
	7.4	Determine how the AI revolution has changed work and requires reskilling

8	What is AI?	

	8.1	Describe and explain what AI is and then design and assemble a business centered definition of AI that you can use and apply
	8.2	Fur vs. Fire Model 
	8.3	Two-Dimensional Work Canvas 
	8.4	 Three Generations of Automation 
	8.5	Defining Artificial Intelligence 
	8.6	The SADAL Model 


9	Introduction to GenAI	

	9.1	Describe and explain Generative AI 
	9.2	Identify Generative AI applications 
	9.3	Describe the difference between GenAI and non-GenAI intelligent systems
	9.4	Recognize multimodal GenAI

10	Ten Principles of GenAI Engineering and Management 	

	10.1	Principle of AI Dynamics
	10.2	Principle of GenAI Domain
	10.3	Principle of Multiplicity
	10.4	Principle of Scientific Rigor
	10.5	Principle of Multidimensional Value and Risk
	10.6	Principle of Strategic Singularity
	10.7	Principle of Lifecycle and Architecture
	10.8	Principle of Adaptability and Agility
	10.9	Principle of Knowledge Theory
	10.10	Principle of Ethical Necessity and Total Costs

11	What are LLMs?	

	11.1	LLMs
	11.2	How are LLMs Trained 
	11.3	Introduction to Transformer Architecture
	11.4	How to build an LLM?
	11.5	Difference between search engines and LLM
	11.6	Open-source vs. Proprietary Models 
	11.7	How to assess a model?

12	What are chatbots?	

	12.1	How do chatbots work?
	12.2	Applications of chatbots 
	12.3	Challenges and Considerations 
	12.4	Think multimodal 
	12.5	Evolution of chatbots 

13	Prompt Engineering Techniques	

	13.1	Define prompt engineering 
	13.2	Explain the attributes of effective prompts 
	13.3	Explain the attributes of useful and relevant responses 
	13.4	Describe and Recall Baseline Prompt Structure 
	13.5	Explain: Why prompts matter?
	13.6	List and identify Question Framing Techniques 
	13.7	Relate and Describe the Relationship between Inputs and Outputs 
	13.8	Identify Prompts and User Roles
	13.9	Recognize Prompt Patterns  
	13.10	Describe Some Simple Ways to Interact with LLMs
	13.11	Describe and Identify Formal Categories of Prompts 
	13.12	Explain and Identify Additional Types of Prompts 


14	Prompt Engineering Management	

	14.1	Management of PE 
	14.2	Three areas to master in PEM (Value Creation, GenAI Requirements, GenAI Project Management) 
	14.3	GenAI Management Framework (Intermediate)
	14.4	Value Creation by AI Systems 
	14.5	Crafting a Comprehensive AI Automation Strategy for Enterprises 
	14.6	AI Centered Automation Approaches 
	14.7	The Requirements Gathering Process Introduction 
	14.8	Step 1: Preparation for Meeting with Stakeholders 
	14.9	Step 2: Kickoff Meeting Protocol 
	14.10	Step 3: Requirements Gathering Session 
	14.11	Questions and Idea Generation Workshop 
	14.12	Six Value Drivers of AI for Process Automation 
	14.13	Step 4 Analysis of Information Collection
	14.14	Step 5: Comprehensive Approach to AI Solutioning and Solution Mapping (Feasibility) 
	14.15	Step 6: Feedback and Validation 
	14.16	Step 7: Prioritization and Road mapping 
	14.17	Step 8: Documentation 
	14.18	Step 9: Follow-up, Communications, and Change management
	14.19	Resource Allocation 
	14.20	GenAI Development Plan 
	14.21	Use Case Clarity 
	14.22	Ethics and Governance (Risk Assessment)
	14.23	LLM Strategy 
	14.24	GenAI Techniques 
	14.25	Application Development 


15	Advanced Prompt Engineering Topics	

	15.1	Describe Basic vs. Advanced Prompting
	15.2	Determine Objectives for Basic and Advanced Prompts 
	15.3	Explain Advanced Prompt Design 
	15.4	Describe Contextual Prompts 
	15.5	Describe Conditional Prompts 
	15.6	Explain Prompting for Specificity and Detail 
	15.7	Describe Interactive and Dynamic Prompting 
	15.8	Contrast Zero Shot, One Shot, and Few Shot Prompting 
	15.9	Describe Chain of Thought 
	15.10	Describe Tree of Thought 
	15.11	Describe Graph of Thought 
	15.12	Domain Specific Prompting

16	Intro to Retrieval Augmented Generation 	

	16.1	RAG Intro

17	Intro to Fine-Tuning 	

	17.1	Fine-tuning Intro

CGENAI™ Level 2 Curriculum


18	Advanced GenAI Topics	

	18.1	Machine Learning Concepts
	18.2	Multimodal GenAI
	18.3	Small Language Models
	18.4	Fine-tuning 
	18.5	Retrieval Augmented Generation
	18.6	Types of AI Systems
	18.7	Solution Chaining


19	GenAI Strategy	

	19.1	Competitive Strategy of GenAI 
	19.2	GenAI Transformation Strategy
	19.3	GenAI Transformation Planning
	19.4	International Competition and GenAI
	19.5	Enterprise Program Management for GenAI
	19.6	Advanced Strategy Concepts
	19.7	Financial Value Calculation 
	19.8	Tech Growth & Evolution Management


20	GenAI Organizational Leadership	
	20.1	Organization Planning for GenAI
	20.2	Leadership Development
	20.3	Advanced Ethics Concepts
	20.4	Advanced Governance Concepts
	20.5	Advanced Communications 
	20.6	Enterprise Change Management
USD 199
CGENAI™ Professional Certification Program
USD 499
CGENAI™ Professional Certification Program